Bricks I Stole

(I am a pile of bricks)

One brick for my space heater.

Another brick for that fleck of gold in my left eye which is just genetics messing with me.

Half a brick for the teeth that used to be crooked.
Another half-brick for the wires that fixed them.

200 bricks for all the nights I didn't sleep.
30 for the ex-boyfriend
 40 for college
 30 more for my chronic fear of losing my parents
and the other 100 are for the books that kept me from crying too hard. 
200 more for all the school days I endured after that.

One brick for the boy I'm not allowed to love.
Two bricks for loving him despite.
And minus a brick for saying I love him when I don't.

A brick for the girl who doesn't deserve one.

And a brick for her boyfriend, we know each other like the backs of ours hands.

One brick for South America.
One brick for the South.

Two bricks for the 5:50 mile I ran at fifteen years old.

(Minus a brick for letting it go to waste)

One brick for my hair color.
Two bricks for yours.

One brick for the stereotypes you get sitting in the Commons.

10 bricks for Paris.

One brick for the novel I'm writing.
Minus that brick, it'll never be finished.

One brick for Mumford & Sons, one brick for the Olympics, another brick for driving to the hot springs and ending up on Hot Springs Lane because for some reason we thought that was right. A brick for your first kiss and another for mine. A brick for the tux I didn't let you wear to prom, and two bricks for picking me up an hour late. Three bricks for your totaled car, one brick for your Converse, and a final brick for the 1990 Carola with broken door handles.

I brought my bricks to the property with three thousand other students and we piled them together until it looked something like a high school.

Don't forget that.


  1. I don't know how to tell you this, but you're pretty much perfect. Write and write and write because we'll all still be reading even after there's nothing else you have to say.

  2. "and the other 100 are for the books that kept me from crying too hard. " This was me last night. Also this is such a creative spin on the prompt and it's genius and it's so personal and I love how you set a mood

  3. Ok so, the idea behind this post is amazing. This entire post is amazing.

  4. Speechless. Just...speechless. The end grabbed my heart and twisted it around its fingers.

  5. "One brick for the boy I'm not allowed to love.
    Two bricks for loving him despite.
    And minus a brick for saying I love him when I don't."
    Oh and by the way, I stared at the gif of the changing eye for about 35 seconds. Not kidding.

  6. You're so unique. When I read your stuff, I get jealous.

  7. ^^^^ I get SO jealous. Your blog is my favorite, and I wish I knew who you really were because I would like to give you a huge high five or a hug or something.

  8. Oh I love this. *endless high-fives*

  9. Great idea of a way to use bricks in your post! It's different and I love it!!

  10. So I read this again and believe it or not it's still amazing. so theres that

  11. "I brought my bricks to the property with three thousand other students and we piled them together until it looked something like a high school. Don't forget that." Absolutely brilliant! I loved that last line. It's so true.
